The bag as an essential accessory

The bag as an essential accessory

Catalogue of the art contest & exhibition entitled “LA BORSA ACCESSORIO NECESSARIO - THE BAG NECESSARY ACCESSORY” Studio Rosai (FLORENCE - Italy),
Ecomuseum of Villaggio Leumann Collegno (TURIN - Italy), Gallery of  the Konninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten in ANTWERP, BELGIUM 2011

In a modern society like ours where people are overwhelmed by an exagerated amount of contents that quickly run away, bags contain all our things and thoughts.
That is why for this main driving force of the captivating fashion industry women, who are the laical maidservants of any cult connected to shape and appearence,
are also the tutelary 'gods' of these few social archetypes that our society pretends to forget. They have turned their bags into their tiny homes, those empty
fireplaces, those nests cooled down by the centrifugal force of modernity. In the end the BAG keeps 'our heart', the small dwelling in which we collect the
numerous fragments of our confused and dispersed identity. (Cristina Degl'Innocenti)
In the catalogue dedicated to the finalists' works of art you can find 'Alma planta', which is a felt bag based on the sinuous shapes of nature and on the warm fall colors of the wood.
